POWERVISION DYNAMICS • Creating the Star in Your Heart!
~ Est. 1986 • 38 Years ~
A Powerful NEW EBOOK of The Highly Sought-After Book,
Now available in its entirety since it was sold out in 2007!
This Powerful NEW EBOOK is an Invaluable, Step-by-Step, Guide
to Enable Your Needs to be Met NOW!
Empower your finances, operate at your full potential, and end financial instability with this life-changing book for obtaining money fast by renowned Law of Attraction and Visualization expert, Carole Doré.
Combining her accelerated PowerVision techniques with practical tips, The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST! provides strategic, step-by-step, guidance for using numerous fast-acting PowerVision® techniques, plus an extensive assortment of money-making ideas, to immediately increase the flow of money into your life!
Included, is the secret for successfully using Carole Doré's Money PowerVision® technique as seen on YouTube.
In 1985, Carole Doré discovered and developed an accelerated creative method she termed "PowerVision®", which enables a person to create their desires quickly and in Synchronicity.
Before her breakthrough discovery, Carole's world came crashing down in 1979! She tells how she picked up the pieces and shares what specific steps she took that saved her from total poverty and homelessness.
In 1994, Carole Doré wrote the first edition of this extraordinary handbook to put a final end to the unnecessary hardship caused from financial instability. Since that time, this invaluable teaching has enabled thousands of people all over the world to gain their freedom and live a full, prosperous, and rewarding life.
A powerful support system during difficult times, and a source of Joy through the good, this endearing book is a constant companion. A wellspring of beauty, comfort and upliftment - every page is a visual feast and of true inspiration.
Included are profound stories of triumph over calamity from Carole Doré's own life that she shares with profound insights and humor. With boundless encouragement and enlightened guidance, Doré provides realistic solutions for turning financial tragedy into financial success, and the ability to rise from misfortune and anxiety to a life filled with purpose, confidence, joy, and true enrichment.
Peek Inside!
~ NEW MUSICAL EBOOK of the Fifth Edition of ~
Carole Doré provides the SECRET for powerfully accelerating the Money PowerVision® technique (as shown on her television interview on YouTube)
in order to Successfully and Abundantly
Create Money FAST!
A Powerful, Step-by-Step, Emergency Handbook
to Enable You to Obtain Money FAST!
• Strategic, step-by-step, guidance for Getting Money FAST!
• Accelerated PowerVision® techniques to Obtain Money FAST!
• An Assortment of FAST Money Making ideas!
• Practical Tips to Quickly increase the flow of money in your life!
• THE MAJOR SECRET for applying the Money PowerVision Technique Successfully and Expansively!
• Numerous Tools for Accelerating the Law of Attraction to Create Money in Synchronicity!
• Strategic guidelines for Removing Blockages - enabling you to Create Money FAST!
• How to Attain Expansive Feelings that Create Money FAST!
Versus emotional attachment, which will invert energy and push Money away!
• Corresponding Diagrams:
~ The Dimensions Diagram • The Expansion Diagram • The Inner Soul Diagram
~ The Money Diagram Technique
• A PowerVision Checklist
• Special Mystery Quiz
• Beautifully Illustrated
• An Uplifting, Inspirational, Multi-Dimensional Experience Throughout
• And So Much More...
• Exquisite MUSICAL VERSES throughout to raise your vibration in order for your Needs and Money to be drawn into your life Quickly and in Synchronicity!
You will become Inspired, Uplifted, and Enlightened
while you obtain Invaluable Guidelines for Creating Wealth in Your Life!
~ Experience the Greatest Treasure of Your Heart! ~
You will become uplifted, inspired, empowered, and enlightened
as Carole Doré provides invaluable, step-by-step, guidelines
for gaining your freedom and creating true riches in your life!
This photo was taken of Carole Doré with her
new little baby granddaughter, Kelley,
on Thanksgiving, November 1994.
The following day, she began writing The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST!, which she dedicated to Kelley. She placed this special photo at the very beginning of the book.
In 2007, a member, on the forum of "The Secret's" website, wrote that the secret wasn't in their book - it was in The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST! And she was right. It was!
People immediately began ordering the Emergency Handbook and bought every copy in three days. Because everyone was clamoring to get it, people began selling used copies of it on Amazon for exorbitant prices - anywhere from $650 up to $3500 a copy. Carole contacted the company that produced the Fifth Edition for her in the year 2000, but it seems they had lost all the plates and so it couldn't be reprinted. The Fifth (and last) Edition was very elaborately produced and has now become a collector’s item. Later, Carole found a few boxes of pristine copies of the 5th Edition, which are now available and being sold in Special Combination Packages.
BONUS! This SPECIAL Interactive eBook is filled with Exquisite Musical Verses that were beautifully recorded in Synchronicity by Kelley in 2007 for the audiobook. They will totally immerse you in High Vibration throughout, which will accelerate the Law of Attraction!
Now in its Fifth Edition, this enchanting book is fully Embellished!
As best selling author and publishing guru, Dan Poynter says
"This is not a book. It's a work of art!"
This insightful wisdom, contagious enthusiasm and humor, with which this illuminating book has been written, is greatly appreciated and treasured on all levels of life!
THE EMERGENCY HANDBOOK FOR GETTING MONEY FAST! is loaded with over 280 pages of, step-by-step, insightful guidelines to help you launch your vision and create money FAST!
"Stop everything! Alert the media to THE EMERGENCY HANDBOOK FOR GETTING MONEY FAST! This incredible book reveals an "inside-out" approach to making money. What Carole Doré reveals are strategic ways to increase your energy so that money is literally drawn to you like a magnet. She explains things I've NEVER heard ANYWHERE before. This is leading-edge thinking at its best!"
2000 ~ Dr. Joe "Mr. Fire" Vitale, author of "Spiritual Marketing"
Carole Doré provides Invaluable, Step-by-Step, Guidelines
for Obtaining Money FAST!
NEW Interactive MUSICAL EBOOK of
The Highly Sought After Fifth Edition is NOW AVAILABLE in its Entirety
in this Exquisite Interactive MUSICAL EBOOK!
• FULL Unabridged 5th Edition • 280 Pages
• 62 Chapters
• INTERACTIVE Corresponding MUSICAL Verses
• FILLED with Powerful Money Creating Techniques
• Complete, Step-by-Step, Guidelines
• Beautifully Illustrated Throughout • Inspirational and Uplifting
• PowerVision® Checklist
• 4 Corresponding Colored Diagrams (including The Money Diagram)
• Special MYSTERY QUIZ at the end